Preview Fossiles & fictions

Fossils & fictions


Are jellyfish next?

What do fossils from the past tell us about the living world? How do we fit into this fragile ecosystem? What traces will we leave of our civilisation, our rubbish, our
technology? The exhibition Fossils & fictions takes you on an exciting journey between life’s origins and future.

With a selection of specimens, combining casts and originals, the exhibition gives a glimpse of the incredible diversity of a world that has since disappeared and immerses us in the long history of evolution, which is still in progress. The ancient fossils are valuable in understanding the environmental changes and challenges we are now facing.

The exhibition also fires the speculative and creative imagination. You will discover original creations by visual arts students from the ARTS² school. They have explored different media in their efforts to suggest alternative human and non-human evolution. And to imagine the ‘fossils of the future’: the traces that today’s species will leave in millions of years to come...

The exhibition is produced in partnership with UCLouvain Culture