Our team


Director | Elisa de Jacquier

Executive Assistant | Anaïs Kasa-Vubu

Head of Administration, Finance, and Logistics | Marie Bertier

Logistics and Accounting Manager | Sophie Tumelaire


Service aux publics

Head of Department | Sylvie De Dryver

Receptionist | Joëlle Pigeolet

Receptionist | Stéphanie Delmotte

Student Reception Staff | Lisa Chapelain, Eléa Declercq, Téo Dillen, Olivia Eloy et Luna Laveaux.

Reservations Officer | Manon Janssens

Communications and Promotion Officer | Marie Baland

Social Media Officer | Victor Geenens

Graphic Designer | Joelle Deuse

Cultural Mediator | Isabelle Maron

Cultural Mediator | Ludovic Mennesson

Cultural Mediator | Marie Resseler (actuellement indisponible)

Cultural Mediator | Pauline Baltieri

The entire team of volunteers, members of the Friends of the Musée L Association, is warmly thanked by the museum.


Collections Department

Head of Collections Department | Muriel Damien (currently unavailable)

Project Manager (Paper Collections Conservation) | Laura Debry

Project Manager (Collections Conservation) | Laura Swalué

Project Manager (Collections Management Tool) | Marie Van Bosterhaut

Project Manager | Tiphaine Kins

Project Coordinator (Collections Management Tool) | Mickaël Lefèvre

Research Logistics Specialist | Marino Ficco


Exhibitions and Publications

Acting Head of Department & Exhibition Manager | Anne Colla

Publications Manager | Laurence Waterkeyn

Exhibition Coordinator | Tiphaine Kins

Exhibition Registrar | Gwenaël Thomas